Tuesday, July 28, 2015



Nildo Viana

Ignorance is an ambiguous word. In some cases, it means lack of knowledge, ignore something; in others it means "rudeness" or disregard for other people's opinions. The problem is that the words are usually decontextualized and removed from the social reality in which they arose and gain meaning. To understand the real meaning of ignorance is necessary to analyze its meaning, which refers to other issues such as its inclusion in the totality of social life, their decisions and their consequences.

Ignorance towards "ignore something" or "lack of awareness or knowledge" about something is extremely common. In this sense, we are all ignorant, because no one knows everything, more cultured, learned or experienced. And that's nothing offensive or derogatory consider someone missing something. However, there is a difference in degree. Some individuals ignore many things and some less. In addition to this quantitative difference, there are also qualitative: some ignore important things and ignore other luxuries. Another difference is to say that someone missing something, another is to say that she is ignorant, because in the first case is a specific case and the second is something presented as something that characterizes the individual, ignorance was widespread. Here we are in the realm of more abstract classifications, but if we enter this discussion within the social life, we can better understand the problem involved.

By bringing the discussion to the context of society, we begin to realize that not pejorative sense of the word is rarely used, as someone who claims someone else "ignored his warning" since it refers to something very specific, having nothing offensive. The most common use is when one says that someone is ignorant, namely that ignores much or more important things. Obviously, this kind of statement is not necessarily true because a society based on social competition, the disqualification of the other and his speech is common, and the other being ignorant, then there is a valuation that making such a claim, a distinguishing sign and superiority.

However, people considered in society as more ignorant are just people from underprivileged class, and even more so their poorer strata. They ignore a larger amount of things and more important. Undoubtedly, this is not entirely false, though the generalization is problematic because many individuals of the privileged class also ignore many things and the question of what is or is not important evaluative, usually referring to the dominant values. Some studies show a difference between an average researcher who has a word about two thousand words, while others have a vocabulary of about two hundred words. Therefore, we can say that there is a tendency (and therefore is not something general, inevitable, etc., not being widespread or determinism) that people from underprivileged class have a smaller vocabulary than those of the privileged class (and within them there also a tendency to hierarchy, and the intellectuals, because their profession and everyday activities, have a more extensive vocabulary than other class).

The qualitative question is more difficult to be addressed because it refers to the values ​​of individuals. A fisherman can ignore the trends of the financial market and inflation, government policies, the significance of capitalism, the existence of social class or understand virtually nothing of art, science and institutional policy. If he ignores this, while it has an accumulated knowledge about fishing, their techniques, more convenient location, and various other aspects involved, as well as their family tradition, on their daily lives, among many other things. Your ignorance is relative, as well as their knowledge. And to their own values, he will certainly consider ignoring unimportant things and have awareness of things that are relevant. Undoubtedly, the fishery is your means of survival, and therefore it is important to him. However, not knowing of inflation, government policies, relations between social class, which directly affect their income and social situation, among other things related to their survival, shows that their values ​​are made socially and that their perception of what It is more valuable for it is hindered by its restricted aware of the totality of social life. Since he did not aware of it, their action and the development of your consciousness will be dependent on other people and influences (oligopolistic media, intellectuals, prominent people in your own environment, etc.). In this sense, we can say that ignorance is the mother of submission. The more ignorant a person is, the greater the tendency to be submissive.

However, ignorance not only affects individuals of the underprivileged class. Many individuals of the privileged class also have a high degree of ignorance, either in terms of quantity and/or quality. An artist, for example, can have a big know about artistic techniques and art history, as well as the fisherman knows the fishery, but can understand very little of politics and social issues. That is why many well-meaning artists seek to make social criticism, but are a high level of superficiality and not go beyond moralism. In addition, the futile way of life and the dominant values ​​are powerful allies of ignorance of broad sectors of the privileged class. Allied to this laziness of many people, we have a framework in which ignorance is not a class attribute, it spreads throughout society, even for those who have the resources to overcome it, but prefer to buy useless and superfluous things, or even with some utility (such as a flashlight that is rarely used) than a book, or buy a gossip magazine about the life of artists than buying a literary work.

Ignorance has numerous determinations, provided the financial resources, access to formal education, culture of origin, through values ​​and interests, which are closely related to the whole of society, the class of belonging, state action and the means of the oligopolists communication and marketing, among many others. Its main consequence has been placed: submission. Obviously, with variations and suffering other determinations, it is a faithful companion of ignorance.

However, the ignorance is also understood in the other direction. The second sense of the word refers to the issue of "rudeness" or disregard or disrespect for the positions and opinions of others. Can not think ignorance as only rudeness. In this case it would be mere and sheer rudeness. When one thinks ignorance in this way, she has a sense very close to the disrespect and disregard for other people's ideas. It is also relatively common. Many people dismiss, disparage, ridicule and make fun of ideas, opinions, statements of others. Of course here also it serves the social competition, something structural in capitalist society, and the pursuit of winning it, putting themselves as superior, more cultured, distinguished. In fact, this is something that should not be confused with the case in which in a debate between two people and one really has to know more about the subject matter and the other shows have less to know, because then there is no ignorance, but rudeness, rudeness, etc., unless caused by ignorance of the opponent. That is, here, in this case, ignorance can emerge only from the side of him who knows less, because this is their defining element. The ignorant in that sense, thinks he knows more than the others despite not having conducted studies, reflections, research, to develop their consciousness. He just denies and refuses what the other has to say, but does not show really know the subject. It's like a person to hear that Descartes was a great philosopher, without knowing his work and ideas, just says he is "stupid" or any other pejorative adjective. It is common for such people make statements about things unaware as truth and wanting to disqualify opinions and contrary positions, calling for aggression, rhetoric, disqualification. It is also constantly refusing ideas and statements without having any information or awareness of what is being discussed. It features one of the features present in people who do this, the presumption. This means that the person believes their unsubstantiated assumptions about things and little known as superior as to disregard or dismiss the other positions and opinions. In this sense, ignorance is the mother of presumption.

This form of ignorance associated with the presumption is generated more by people who cling to traditions and doctrines, generating dogmatism, or by people with a mental formation that promotes the presumption as a defense mechanism. As a collective phenomenon, it is more common in groups linked to certain religions, political doctrines, usually reaching the underprivileged class and certain sectors of the privileged class. It is also constant with people with mental laziness, seeking immediate answers and cling to them when able, however superficial and poorly-founded they may be.

The consequences of such ignorance are conflicts and debates, unnecessary misunderstandings, when most individual cases, and when it assumes collective forms, dogmatism that generates political intolerance, religious, etc. and collective disputes between individuals and groups. The formation of sects and the spread of dogmatism (and anti-intellectualism) are quite common in groups, formal or not, who are allied with this process. At the individual level means no intellectual advancement and development of consciousness and collective level means a slowdown in the advancement of social struggles or their blockade in certain sectors.

In short, ignorance, is linked to the submission is attached to the presumption is always detrimental to the project of human emancipation and the development of consciousness and intellectual stagnation element of individuals. Ignorance has never allied with social and even individual transformation process. Therefore, overcoming ignorance should be commitment of all. The fight against ignorance, their own and others', it is essential for all who struggle for social transformation.

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