Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Integral Accumulation and Violence in Schools

The new capitalist accumulation regime and violence in schools

Nildo Viana

Neoliberalism avoids spending on social policies, contributes to the transformation in the production and international exploration process and performs a privatization policy for the benefit of capital. Its maximum is minimal and strong state, ie a state that intervenes minimally and maximally suppress.

Contemporary capitalism has been the scene of a set of transformations that have direct relation to the increase in violence in schools. This set of transformations has its source in the social struggles and capital offensive to increase exploration, since the 60s the average profit rate has been falling. The student revolt of May 68, along with other protesters movements of the time, represented the first symptom of the new period of social struggle and transition to a new regime of accumulation, marked by an offensive in order to resume the pattern of capitalist accumulation.

The new regime of accumulation will sketching and from the 1980s - with the rise and gradual generalization of neoliberalism, the so-called productive restructuring and new international relations constitutive of a neo-imperialism - we have to materialize. These three elements characterize the entire regime of accumulation, called by some "flexible", and cause several changes in civil society, the world of culture and ideology. Neoliberalism avoids spending on social policies, contributes to the transformation in the sphere of production and international exploration and performs a privatization policy for the benefit of capital. Its maximum is minimal and strong state, ie a state that intervenes minimally and maximally suppress. The repressive policy is in the countries of subordinate capitalism, accompanied by remedial policies (quotas, inclusive education system, specific programs for welfare character) that reveal nothing more than a way to try to prevent total delegitimization of the neoliberal state without leaving their logic, that is, without increasing public spending, throwing the responsibility for civil society or benefiting some at the expense of others, such as the quota policy.

The worldwide increase in the prison population is just an expression of the repressive face of neoliberalism, reaching every country in the world (for example, increased 240% in the Netherlands and 140% in Portugal). Needless to mention the situation of the poorest countries and the high rates of hunger, poverty, among others, to see the new context of contemporary global capitalism. The so-called "productive restructuring", expressed in Toyotism and similar models, points to an increase in the surplus value extraction, both absolute and relative, and the hyper-imperialism points to intensified international exploration.

A situation marked by increased exploitation, misery, conflict, deterioration of family relationships and mental health of people, are fundamental to understand the increasing violence at school. Palliative policies or "compensatory" end is conducting a makeup reproduction of unfavorable living conditions of the population instead of proposing real solutions. The increase in violence and its growing presence in schools is a consequence of this state of affairs. The conservative discourse comes to preach the school moralizing and to appeal to individual responsibility and unlink social relations and poverty of violence, playing the American ideologies and enhancing playback of all this deplorable situation and therefore violence in schools.

Article originally published in: A Página da Educação, Portugal, No. 140, Year 13, December 2004.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015



Nildo Viana

The lie is something other than illusion. The illusory everyday representations, like any other form of illusory consciousness, expresses the situation of individuals who think that reality is what it is not. Ideology, as wishful thinking system creates a whole set of systematic ideas reversing reality, as the scientist who believes that the ideas is the product of the brain, as if this organ produce something for yourself. When this scientist says this, he demonstrates possess an illusory, false thinking, but if he really believes this, it is not lie. The lie is a distortion of reality carried out deliberately, intentionally, by the individual who knows what it claims is false. In the case of misleading representations, individuals believe in his speech and in the case of lying, they know it is false.

Many should consider lie a rare phenomenon, unlike the illusory representations that would be commonplace. However, the lie is more common than it may seem at first glance. The deliberate and conscious distortion of reality is a social phenomenon that is virtually absent in the simpler societies, comes up with the class societies, and becomes something common and widespread in capitalist society.
People lie because it is in your best interest. The interest is the manifestation aware of certain needs (whether basic or superfluous, considered well for some and not for others, etc.). Thus, people often lie to avoid being harmed or to get some advantage. There are two ways to lie escaping it, which is selfless and civilized. If we understand class society, let us know that the capitalist class has no interest in the verity, she should hide the truth about the exploitation and domination, about the real role of the state, etc. Thus, the privileged classes refuse the truth and so it is not a dominant value in modern society, is a marginalized value. It is clear that the discursive level, almost all respect and appreciate the vertity, but that's just a lie. Some try to rationalize this by relativism. Relativism is a way to turn a lie into verity.

The social competition is one of the pillars of the capitalist sociability and lying is one of the most used weapons to win the competition and take the win, advantage, wealth, power, status, fame, success. A competitive society is a strong incentive for the widespread lie. Similarly, the lie out of fear of being harmed is a strong incentive for its realization. Obviously, people who lie to be competitive element of his mentality, belonging usually to privileged social class. The bourgeois mentality, competitive, has in one way or another, varying in intensity and degree, influencing everyone, but there are cases where this is something prevalent and in such cases the lie is faithful companion of every hour. In the case of underprivileged class, fear of being harmed is the main incentive element lies, having a defensive role. After all, in front of superiors, employers, teachers, etc., in different situations and in a relationship of power, so lying is a way of defending the oppressors, exploiters, dominators.

There are also cases of individuals who lie without great need. Some are compulsive liars, but this is the case of people with mental imbalance. As well as the kleptomaniac steals without reason, many lie without revealing, in both cases, it is problems whose origin is in the psychic universe and can only be understood through psychoanalysis to reassemble its historical process of life in a society of destructive human beings.

In capitalist society, individuals are constrained to lie and it comes with the very process of socialization of children. They are socialized to lie, even when parents deny and fight the lies of children. A child who knows that parents punish if she tells lies can even say that did not lie despite having lied. It is a lie about the lie. If the child is punished for spilling milk in the kitchen and it occurs again and no one saw, when asked if she was she, will certainly say "no", ie lie. If she does not lie, it will suffer the punishment. If she wants to skip class, you can make up the school dismissed the same. This is a lie that brings you an edge.

This socialization process ends up playing the rest of life, for all the time individuals must lie to avoid being harmed or to get some advantage. The student or employee to mind the teacher or boss saying it was not in school or company for which he was ill so I could not say it is because of a football game or even dismay. A competition or selection process with the interview, the individual know you can not say everything that considers truth and so mind to please or deceive the bank, can not admit that has no interests, readings, experiences that should have to assume the position or vacancy .

In the scientific sphere, lying is also widespread, not only in social relations between scientists and institutions, but also in their own scientific production, products, are books, class, theses, etc. Plagiarism is one of the clearest ways to lie, since an individual mind saying that what others have written was made by him. It is easy to multiply examples: use of false data, using others' ideas without putting the source, defense of ideas and authors that are in evidence despite knowing it is wrong, etc. In the religious sphere, the lie is also quite common and just turn the television on certain channels that will be easy to see resounding religious lies aimed at deceiving others and make money from it. In the legal sphere, it is also practiced constantly. The film The Liar (Tom Shadyac, USA, 1997) is quite interesting to see that and how the truth is left out thanks to professional interests (and financial) attorney.

The lie is also in the family, and the child is not the only liar, because parents are teaching the lie not only for generating the constraint to do so, but also because in many cases, give the example all the time. In bureaucratic organizations, with its system of control and domination, lying is common. The world of institutional policy is where the lie reigns supreme. The electoral discourse is a liar speech by nature. In the stories in comics Li’l Abner, there is a story in which there comes a Bald Eagle in the United States and no one can lie in front of her and because of this the headline in the papers are: "the speeches of politicians canceled", "lawyers spend searching more useful work. "That's the honest truth.

These lie demonstrations are widespread and common, as we have said. But there are two ways of lying that do not have the same motivations. The altruistic lie not is that performed for the individual to escape a situation which will be harmed or to take advantage, but to help others, keep them from sad or suffering. When a single mother tells the child that the father died, despite having just abandoned both, you are just saving the child from suffering to know it was abandoned, being an altruistic lie. Another common form of lie and is not harmful civilized lie, in which a person, out of politeness and civility, does not say what you really think, as in the case of someone who asks about your clothes, beauty, intelligence or any other attribute, When asked person and, even considering that clothing, for example, it is ugly, but it does not assert otherwise. And in case anyone asks how are you doing and she says "yeah", however bad it is. These mild forms of lie end up serving for some people justify and legitimize the lies in general. But make these forms equivalents lie is just telling a lie.

Apart from these forms, there is also the social lie. This is a lie shared and reproduced by various individuals, groups, collectives or even an entire society. This is the case of dictatorial regimes where lie must be said and repeated to justify (from Nazism to Stalinism and all other dictatorial regimes), born in the state power and reproducing within the population, either by fear, interest or share the dominant ideas of the time. This may also occur because of shame or trauma, as can be seen in the film Das Schreckliche Mädchen (A City Without a Past, Michael Verhoeven, German, 1990) in which people's involvement with Nazism is replaced by the lie that it would be only the former mayor the only one involved with the Third Reich. There are also institutional lies in which to maintain power, bureaucracy ends up creating lies about dissident individuals or even groups, to keep intact the institutional image. The group lie, either circle of corrupt politicians, whether of young people who were responsible for a death, as in American films trivial, is also common and the reason is to avoid the discovery and consequences.

However, it is not through the moralism that can solve this issue. Morality teaches that lying is "wrong" or some religious may say it is "of the devil" or "sin". Thus, any lie is condemned and whosoever mind, regardless of the context of their situation in it, among other determinations are abolished and in its place appears the conviction. The selfless and civilized lie become so reprehensible as to obtain benefits or to maintain power. The lie for fear of being harmed an individual of the exploited classes and unable to defend himself becomes equivalent of that made by a corrupt afraid of his punishment or a murderer for fear of arrest. Morality, as a practice of judging and condemning individuals from a set of standards that form an abstract canon, is always decontextualized and is characterized by an abstract normativism. He therefore is unable to solve the problem lies, because only judges and condemns, out of context.

Overcoming widespread lie presupposes overcoming the society that generates your need. Capitalist society is a society founded on a lie because its essential characteristics. It is only a radical transformation of social relations, abolishing the competitive processes, exploitation, bureaucracy, mercantilization, bourgeois mentality, etc. is that lying can stop being a widespread social phenomenon. A self-managed society, or "communist" (as was worn by ideologies and lies disseminated in our society), is a society based on verity. The struggle for social self-management is also a struggle of truth against lies and against a society that lives on lies.



Nildo Viana

Ignorance is an ambiguous word. In some cases, it means lack of knowledge, ignore something; in others it means "rudeness" or disregard for other people's opinions. The problem is that the words are usually decontextualized and removed from the social reality in which they arose and gain meaning. To understand the real meaning of ignorance is necessary to analyze its meaning, which refers to other issues such as its inclusion in the totality of social life, their decisions and their consequences.

Ignorance towards "ignore something" or "lack of awareness or knowledge" about something is extremely common. In this sense, we are all ignorant, because no one knows everything, more cultured, learned or experienced. And that's nothing offensive or derogatory consider someone missing something. However, there is a difference in degree. Some individuals ignore many things and some less. In addition to this quantitative difference, there are also qualitative: some ignore important things and ignore other luxuries. Another difference is to say that someone missing something, another is to say that she is ignorant, because in the first case is a specific case and the second is something presented as something that characterizes the individual, ignorance was widespread. Here we are in the realm of more abstract classifications, but if we enter this discussion within the social life, we can better understand the problem involved.

By bringing the discussion to the context of society, we begin to realize that not pejorative sense of the word is rarely used, as someone who claims someone else "ignored his warning" since it refers to something very specific, having nothing offensive. The most common use is when one says that someone is ignorant, namely that ignores much or more important things. Obviously, this kind of statement is not necessarily true because a society based on social competition, the disqualification of the other and his speech is common, and the other being ignorant, then there is a valuation that making such a claim, a distinguishing sign and superiority.

However, people considered in society as more ignorant are just people from underprivileged class, and even more so their poorer strata. They ignore a larger amount of things and more important. Undoubtedly, this is not entirely false, though the generalization is problematic because many individuals of the privileged class also ignore many things and the question of what is or is not important evaluative, usually referring to the dominant values. Some studies show a difference between an average researcher who has a word about two thousand words, while others have a vocabulary of about two hundred words. Therefore, we can say that there is a tendency (and therefore is not something general, inevitable, etc., not being widespread or determinism) that people from underprivileged class have a smaller vocabulary than those of the privileged class (and within them there also a tendency to hierarchy, and the intellectuals, because their profession and everyday activities, have a more extensive vocabulary than other class).

The qualitative question is more difficult to be addressed because it refers to the values ​​of individuals. A fisherman can ignore the trends of the financial market and inflation, government policies, the significance of capitalism, the existence of social class or understand virtually nothing of art, science and institutional policy. If he ignores this, while it has an accumulated knowledge about fishing, their techniques, more convenient location, and various other aspects involved, as well as their family tradition, on their daily lives, among many other things. Your ignorance is relative, as well as their knowledge. And to their own values, he will certainly consider ignoring unimportant things and have awareness of things that are relevant. Undoubtedly, the fishery is your means of survival, and therefore it is important to him. However, not knowing of inflation, government policies, relations between social class, which directly affect their income and social situation, among other things related to their survival, shows that their values ​​are made socially and that their perception of what It is more valuable for it is hindered by its restricted aware of the totality of social life. Since he did not aware of it, their action and the development of your consciousness will be dependent on other people and influences (oligopolistic media, intellectuals, prominent people in your own environment, etc.). In this sense, we can say that ignorance is the mother of submission. The more ignorant a person is, the greater the tendency to be submissive.

However, ignorance not only affects individuals of the underprivileged class. Many individuals of the privileged class also have a high degree of ignorance, either in terms of quantity and/or quality. An artist, for example, can have a big know about artistic techniques and art history, as well as the fisherman knows the fishery, but can understand very little of politics and social issues. That is why many well-meaning artists seek to make social criticism, but are a high level of superficiality and not go beyond moralism. In addition, the futile way of life and the dominant values ​​are powerful allies of ignorance of broad sectors of the privileged class. Allied to this laziness of many people, we have a framework in which ignorance is not a class attribute, it spreads throughout society, even for those who have the resources to overcome it, but prefer to buy useless and superfluous things, or even with some utility (such as a flashlight that is rarely used) than a book, or buy a gossip magazine about the life of artists than buying a literary work.

Ignorance has numerous determinations, provided the financial resources, access to formal education, culture of origin, through values ​​and interests, which are closely related to the whole of society, the class of belonging, state action and the means of the oligopolists communication and marketing, among many others. Its main consequence has been placed: submission. Obviously, with variations and suffering other determinations, it is a faithful companion of ignorance.

However, the ignorance is also understood in the other direction. The second sense of the word refers to the issue of "rudeness" or disregard or disrespect for the positions and opinions of others. Can not think ignorance as only rudeness. In this case it would be mere and sheer rudeness. When one thinks ignorance in this way, she has a sense very close to the disrespect and disregard for other people's ideas. It is also relatively common. Many people dismiss, disparage, ridicule and make fun of ideas, opinions, statements of others. Of course here also it serves the social competition, something structural in capitalist society, and the pursuit of winning it, putting themselves as superior, more cultured, distinguished. In fact, this is something that should not be confused with the case in which in a debate between two people and one really has to know more about the subject matter and the other shows have less to know, because then there is no ignorance, but rudeness, rudeness, etc., unless caused by ignorance of the opponent. That is, here, in this case, ignorance can emerge only from the side of him who knows less, because this is their defining element. The ignorant in that sense, thinks he knows more than the others despite not having conducted studies, reflections, research, to develop their consciousness. He just denies and refuses what the other has to say, but does not show really know the subject. It's like a person to hear that Descartes was a great philosopher, without knowing his work and ideas, just says he is "stupid" or any other pejorative adjective. It is common for such people make statements about things unaware as truth and wanting to disqualify opinions and contrary positions, calling for aggression, rhetoric, disqualification. It is also constantly refusing ideas and statements without having any information or awareness of what is being discussed. It features one of the features present in people who do this, the presumption. This means that the person believes their unsubstantiated assumptions about things and little known as superior as to disregard or dismiss the other positions and opinions. In this sense, ignorance is the mother of presumption.

This form of ignorance associated with the presumption is generated more by people who cling to traditions and doctrines, generating dogmatism, or by people with a mental formation that promotes the presumption as a defense mechanism. As a collective phenomenon, it is more common in groups linked to certain religions, political doctrines, usually reaching the underprivileged class and certain sectors of the privileged class. It is also constant with people with mental laziness, seeking immediate answers and cling to them when able, however superficial and poorly-founded they may be.

The consequences of such ignorance are conflicts and debates, unnecessary misunderstandings, when most individual cases, and when it assumes collective forms, dogmatism that generates political intolerance, religious, etc. and collective disputes between individuals and groups. The formation of sects and the spread of dogmatism (and anti-intellectualism) are quite common in groups, formal or not, who are allied with this process. At the individual level means no intellectual advancement and development of consciousness and collective level means a slowdown in the advancement of social struggles or their blockade in certain sectors.

In short, ignorance, is linked to the submission is attached to the presumption is always detrimental to the project of human emancipation and the development of consciousness and intellectual stagnation element of individuals. Ignorance has never allied with social and even individual transformation process. Therefore, overcoming ignorance should be commitment of all. The fight against ignorance, their own and others', it is essential for all who struggle for social transformation.

Article originally published in:

The woman today

The woman today

Nildo Viana *

Today is the day the woman. People generally do not ask for what reason there are certain holidays. For what reason there is a women's day? And the same question should be asked about other dates, both festive as the others. The day of the woman, according to some, is a tribute to the workers who died charred weavers in New York in 1857 as a result of the repression of its manifestation. However, this historical event anymore, for many, a symbolic date of women's struggles and becomes just another formal day of celebration, as the day of the tree and the day of the Indian. The destruction of indigenous societies and deforestation, however, continue, and the oppression of children and women continues, although there "one day" in honor of these social segments. However, the day the woman is losing more and more its original meaning and now is being commoditized, as the day of the child, christmas, among other examples. The custom of giving flowers begins to spread, and have created "baskets for Woman's Day".

The Women's Day is a day when you do talk about women, feminists and politicians refer to their fight and importance, the media do stories and pass messages, business commerce to sell products for this date. But no substantial changes in the feminine condition. There is Woman's Day for the reason that there is a problem of women, the women's issue, even if it is concealed. It is the oppression of women - and their fight against it, as in the case of American weavers - which does exist the day the woman. The oppression of women is manifested in daily life, at work, in the domestic sphere, in acts of violence, living conditions, culture, market. But women should not have just one day, but every day, as well as children, indigenous people and all the exploited and oppressed. While there is oppression of women, there will Woman's Day. And so this day should be a day of struggle against this oppression and all other forms of exploitation and oppression. This fight and winning would mean the end of oppression and therefore the end of the Women's Day and so every day would be women - and men - and not just one day.

Monday, July 27, 2015

IMAGINARY AND IDEOLOGY: Illusions in Everyday Representations and Complex Thought

Illusions in Everyday Representations  and Complex Thought

Nildo Viana*

Abstract: The discussion of the illusions in a society where these predominate in the human mind is fundamental and refers to the question of their social roots, that is, the process of social constitution of illusions. The objective here, however, is only to observe the relationship between two fundamental forms of illusions, the imaginary and the ideology, to realize the process of transforming from one into another and so to advance the understanding of this ubiquitous phenomenon in contemporary society. So we analyze the illusory forms of everyday representations and ideology in order to observe their relationships. The complexification of the simple (imaginary passage to ideology) and the simplification of the complex (ideology passage to imaginary).

Key-words: Imaginary, ideology, Everyday Representations, Complex Thought, Illusions

1.      Introduction
The history of human consciousness is marked by a set of changes that can only be understood if inserted into the history of human societies. Consciousness can be understood as in Marx's thought, as "real" or "illusory". Our focus here will be what Marx called "illusionary representations" of reality, which obviously makes us refer to the "real representations", because the discussion of one generates the need, inevitably, to approach the other. The discussion of the illusions in a society where these predominate in the human mind is fundamental and refers to the question of their social roots, that is, the process of social constitution of illusions. The objective here, however, is only to observe the relationship between two fundamental forms of illusions, the imaginary and the ideology, to realize the process of transforming from one into another and so to advance the understanding of this ubiquitous phenomenon in contemporary society.
The history of human consciousness is, at heart, a story of illusions. The illusions have always existed, but in different ways and for different reasons. The word illusion has several meanings, such as "improbable hopes", but here we use as distortion of reality, false consciousness, wrong, of reality. Thus, consciousness can be illusory or real, which means it can express the reality as it is or distort it.
The history of illusions begins with the ancient myths and reaches the present day in the form of science, philosophy, etc. The myth as a way of explaining the world proves illusory, as well as the myth of the explanations also can and most often are illusory (VIANA, 2011). However, the roots of the general illusions are varied, although the basic determination, in the case of our society, is social. In simple societies, what we have are relationships of humans with the environment marked by dependence and a culture still too marked by forms of reflection whose movement of return to itself of the thinker is performed non-consciously, with another unreflective projection. With the emergence of class society and the separation of manual and intellectual work, the original thinkers, philosophers, advanced towards thinking this return to himself consciously. When Protagoras launches the maximum "man is the measure of all things" (PLATO, 1977), he marks a revolution in human thought.
In slave society, however, if there is an advance in human consciousness, it suffers other limitations that did not exist before. The training of skilled workers in their intellectual work, due to the exploitation of slave labor, allows to extend the reflections on the world and expand human consciousness, including due to the larger domination of humans over nature with the development of new productive forces, but creates a new obstacle: the division of society into classes and derived or subordinated subdivisions to it generates different lifestyles, interests, values, feelings, also different. If the simple societies had a single, homogeneous culture, if everyone believed the same myth, in the class society the social division promotes different forms of consciousness.
The illusory representations will have as main determination not to depend on nature but on the social division of labor which expresses the existence of different and antagonistic social classes and all that derives from it. Even the division between manual and intellectual work brings out the figure of the ideologue i.e, specialist in intellectual work that produces an illusory system of thought, which Marx called ideology. Thus comes into being not only the illusory representations spontaneously produced by individuals of various classes from their position in the social division of labor, interests, values, feelings, etc., but also a new kind of illusionary representations, systematic and whose producers are the intellectual workers. It is in this historical context that ideology is born (MARX and ENGELS, 1992).
The development process of human history was, from that moment, marked by the production and reproduction of illusions, whether in one way or another, simple or complex form. The complex form is the realm of ideology, experts in intellectual work that generate real systems of thought, in the form of philosophy, theology, science, etc. and the simple way is what later this complex thought called "common sense," "popular culture," "popular knowledge", "everyday knowledge", "social representations", among other names. And about these forms of consciousness were produced interpretations and explanations, most often, illusory. In this case, are produced illusions about other illusions. A true illusory world begins to reign supreme in the class society and capitalist society. Undoubtedly, as well as the newborn philosophy provided some advances in terms of human consciousness, later developments also, in many cases, allowed other advances, but which, however, has not yet managed to overcome the primacy of illusion in human thought. And beyond the inversion of reality performed systematically by ideology and the everyday illusionary representations, there is also a world of illusions that conducts a mediation of the interpretation of those illusions.
The Concept of Ideology
After this historical context, it is important to clarify the concepts of ideology and everyday illusionary representations, or imagined, to move forward in the discussion on the relationship between these two forms of consciousness. The word ideology has several meanings, being polysemic. It can be understood as "science of ideas", such as defined Antoine Destutt de Tracy (CHAUÍ, 1992); as "worldview" (Gramsci, 1989); among other meanings. These are ideological conceptions of ideology. And ideology is understood as the concept elaborated by Marx and misunderstood (and often interpreted ideologically) by their interpreters.
Ideology, in the conception of Marx, is a systematic false consciousness, wishful thinking system. The systematic nature of ideology is its imaginary distinctive feature, i.e, the everyday illusory representations. Marx identifies the birth of ideology with the division between manual and intellectual work, with the emergence of the figure of the ideologist and the autonomy of the world of ideas on the part of thinkers, experts in cultural production. The criticism that Marx directs to ideologues is the same as to the idealistic philosophers, Neohegelian, which produced real systems from the work of Hegel and against him. Marx did not address the illusion of slaves, servants, workers, warriors, bureaucrats, etc. The concept of ideology, therefore, refers to its producers, the ideologues and these are the knowledge workers (scientists, philosophers, theologians).
If ideology is a wishful thinking system, it is not the only form of manifestation of illusions. Because of the social division of labor and all that derives from it, and the process of exploitation and domination that is such a division, there is a constant process of producing illusions. Both individuals of the exploited classes and individuals of the ruling classes produce illusions, but not in a systematic way. It is up to ideologues or, as in rare cases, some individuals of these classes can, despite its position in the social division of labor, have time to create systems of thought, producing a systematic false consciousness. In Marx, this opposition exists from his criticism of philosophical ideologies in The German Ideology (MARX and ENGELS, 1992) until his scientific critique of ideologies, political economy, in The Capital (MARX, 1988). Marx said that "everyday concepts" agents of the production process were systematized and made into science by political economists. Let us return to this later.
The concept of ideology refers, therefore, to the wishful thinking system. In this sense, the works of Aristotle, Plato, Hegel, Durkheim, Weber, Locke, Baumann, Giddens, among thousands of others, are ideological products. The ideology, however, being a thought system has not only an illusory content, i.e, reverses the reality, but also has a form. It is a system of thought and its systematic nature give it it’s formal characteristics. Ideologies are a totality, a set of ideas that are structured systematically, constituting constructs, misconceptions (VIANA, 2007), which are interrelated with several other, thus producing a construct system (VIANA, 2012; VIANA, 2007). Ideologies produce a set of constructs organized systematically. We will not be able to point out here the various features of ideology, but the key is to understand that it is a form of illusory reality of consciousness and its distinction from other forms of illusory consciousness is its systematic character, forming an organized set of constructs.
Everyday representations and Imaginary
Ideology comes with class societies. It is in this context that many systems of thought arises (which are gaining more systematic in the course of the historical process and the accumulation of ideologies, and Platonism and Aristotelianism are some of its first manifestations, already with a certain degree of systematization, especially in the case of Aristotle). The myth is a conception of relatively organized and coherent reality, but that is not yet established as a system. Ideology is production of ideologues, experts in intellectual work. And those who are not ideologues? They develop their awareness of the reality and do so in different ways, with different contents. If ideology takes the form of science, philosophy, theology, other forms of consciousness are what we call everyday representations, what others call "common sense", "everyday knowledge", "social representations", etc.
The common-sense idea is the product of ideology, or more specifically, of science (VIANA, 2008). The constitution of the new dominant form of ideology, science, from the rise of the bourgeoisie and its conquest of the state apparatus with the bourgeois revolutions in comparison with the widespread ideas in society in the form of utopian socialism, anarchism, Marxism, produces need to separate both forms of thought and the disqualification of popular culture, influenced by such conceptions. The reason is very simple: what comes spontaneously are everyday representations ("common sense") and it is only when there emerges a form of complex thinking is that the distinction becomes possible. The earliest predecessor of the opposition between complex thinking and everyday representations is found in Plato (1974), which held the distinction between doxa and logos, opinion and reason, or, more precisely, the world of opinions, those who mistake the shadows of reality with herself, and those who see the lights that came out of the shadow world and reached the world of lights, the philosophers.
The Platonic opposition between doxa and logos and subsequently between science and common sense, expresses the self-delusion of the ideologues whose fundamental element in its distinction is opposing the true and the false. The philosophy or science would be the true knowledge, doxa or common sense, the false knowledge. With the historical and social change, interpretations of common sense change, some ideologues treat it as a true knowledge (VIANA, 2008). However, what interests us here is the fact that everyday representations precede the complex thinking, the complex representations of reality. But, when they come, they seek to distinguish from everyday representations. No doubt, both forms of representation exist, however, what differentiates one from the other is not the true character of one and the false character of another. Ideologies are, in essence, false. Everyday representations, however, can be true or false, or as Marx says, "real or illusionary" (MARX and ENGELS, 1992). However, asserting that all ideologies are false does not mean that all complex representations are false. Ideology is a complex thought, but beyond ideology there is a theory (VIANA, 2007; VIANA, 2012). The theory, as opposed to ideology, is an expression of reality, correct awareness of reality, to use the expression of the young Lukacs (1989). This design theory as an expression of reality as opposed to ideology as false consciousness has its origins in Hegel (GOMBIM, 1972) and is manifested in Marx[1] and later in Korsch (1977), without, however, promoting a more structured elaboration on this.
Marx did not elaborate any theory of various forms of in depth representations. But it is clear in The German Ideology and The Capital, that he conceived the existence of a complex thought, ideology and theory, and no complex forms of thinking. The complex thought can be true (theory or to express it another term, which varies in Marx) or false (ideology), as well as representations may be "true" or "illusionary" (MARX and ENGELS, 1992). In The Capital he says that the ideology of political economists actually means, the systematization of daily representations (he uses the expression "everyday concepts") of the production process agents (capitalists, managers, workers). However, Marx devoted more in-depth analysis of ideologies, against which there is the theory, i.e, Marxism, and the concrete reality and not deepened their reflections on everyday representations.
Everyday representations can be defined as the set of ideas or conceptions that people produce in their daily lives, reproducing its structure: simplicity, regularity and naturalness (VIANA, 2008). Here we are interested in their appearance that distinguishes it from the complex thought: simplicity. Everyday representations are produced by those who are not experts in intellectual work and these also when it comes to issues outside of their specialized training or the whole of their thought before becoming specialized knowledge workers. They provide simple explanations of reality. They lack complexity, consistency and systematization (or articulation, in the case of theory) of complex thinking. Its concrete content, however, contrary to what some ideological conceptions claim can be true or false not just fake or just true (VIANA, 2008). Obviously its real content has limits because it lacks structure and deepening. The real everyday representations are rarer, they are usually linked to the rise of struggles of the exploited classes and often mingle with other ways of thinking. They can not have the structure, coordination, depth and complexity theory.
However, our fundamental interests are not everyday representations in general, but the imaginary, false everyday representations, illusory. Thus, the imaginary concept expresses the everyday illusionary representations, that is, carries with it all the features of everyday representations and its distinctive element of its illusory nature and therefore approaches the ideology. The imaginary shares with ideology its illusory content, although it is distinguished by its simplicity compared to the complexity of ideological thought. Your false content is more easily perceived and criticized than in the case of ideologies. The imaginary and ideology are illusory forms of consciousness, naturalize what is historical and social, reverse reality. However, what we have here are similarities and differences between imaginary and ideology. It is important to analyze the concrete relations between both forms of illusory consciousness, because in actual reality they coexist and influence each other. From now on we analyze this relationship, which can occur in two main forms, namely: the imaginary passage to ideology and the reverse, the transition from ideology to the imagination. Let's address the two forms, but we will focus on the latter, since this is the least commonly treated.
From the Simple to Complex: The Ideological Production
The production of ideology has as its starting point in the concrete social relations and illusionary everyday representations produced in society and the values, feelings, interests, existing in the social classes. The imagery is therefore one of the sources of ideologies. Marx expressed this when he said that economists systematize everyday conceptions of the agents of the production process, giving it the scientific, systematic character. The transformation of the imaginary ideology requires those who will carry out such a process, the ideologues and the process of systematization of everyday representations.
This is more understandable to remember a particular phenomenon and its interpretations. If individuals observe the appearance of the sun and its disappearance on the horizon, then can create the illusory representation that it moves. If it is systematized, it becomes ideology. Aristotle was the first to take this step and Claudius Ptolemy deepened and gave ideological shape to this conception. If already in ancient Greece existed those who disagreed, as Aristarchus of Samos, the dominant view was that populated the imaginary and later the dominant ideologies, until Galileo and Bruno, when they were refuted in a more structured way and paved the way for overcoming. However, these two positions did not emerge only from passage of everyday representations for complex thinking, but also the interests, values, social processes existing in its time.
The production process of ideology, however, emerges from an inspiration that is earlier, and therefore the imagery is one of its determinations. Undoubtedly, at a time dominated by ideologies, the formation of new ideologies is made from the development, redesign, mix of existing ones, but in the case of the ideologue as an individual, he first graduated from the world of everyday representations, imagination which is dominant to even suit, convince, choose, given previous ideology to produce their own[2]. The production of ideologies, therefore, is marked by a progressive process of imaginary passage, simplistic illusions, for the complex thinking of the ideological world, systematized delusions.
From the Complex to Simple: The Production of ideologemes
The maintenance process of the imagery is distinct. Undoubtedly, everyday representations, real or illusionary, precede the complex thinking, both in human history as well as in the history of individuals. No one is born a philosopher, scientist or theologian. However, at some point in human history, ideology emerges and this influence everyday representations, more or less intense, covering a larger or smaller number of people, depending on season and society. The point is that with the capitalist society, this process acquires specific contours, for various reasons, such as the emergence of science as the dominant form of dominant ideology (surpassing the supremacy of philosophy and theology that undergo a process of marginalization and subordination to the dominant form) and its expansion into specialized areas and set of social activities, popularization of rationalization and bureaucratisation of society as a whole. It is in this context that we address the issue of crossing of the more complex illusions, ideology, to the simplistic illusions.
Marx did not address this process and few have paid attention to it. No doubt this will occur with greater incidence in a certain historical moment, which is in a certain level of development of capitalist society. This process has several determinations. Undoubtedly, the very consolidation of science is a precondition for this. Its thematic areas, i.e., the themes and phenomena that spans are also fundamental. Among the sciences, the more influence the population is human, especially psychology, which presents an explanation of individual behavior in an individualistic society. To a lesser extent, other human sciences, such as geography, sociology, political science, etc., influence the everyday representations in capitalist society. This begins in the 19th century, especially with a certain influence from psychology, sociology, and other forms of complex thinking, like Marxism, philosophy, etc. Among the natural sciences, biology, especially the Darwinian ideology ends up having a greater impact on society, both because of the thematic areas and by its political character was opposed to religious thought and also by its influence in the humanities springs.
This influence increased after the Second World War, especially with the growth of the publishing industry, universities, oligopolistic media in general. In this context, it is the first more systematic reflection on this phenomenon, with the study of Serge Moscovici (1977) on “the social representations of psychoanalysis”. The choice of psychoanalysis was not free, because their presence in oligopolistic media and its popularity was evident. However, Moscovici analysis presents some interesting elements, but as a whole is insufficient. Anyway, it was a first step to elaborate on the relationship between ideology and imagery towards the assimilation of complex thought by everyday representations.
A feature of this process is the simplification that this assimilation promotes. This simplification does not intend to just simplify it because that usually also deforms the complex thinking. Just as the idea of Darwin was deformed in order to believe that he said that men descended from monkeys, also the ideas of Freud and psychoanalysis (who also is undifferentiated in everyday representations, which, in most cases, are unaware of the diverse and sometimes antagonistic psychoanalytic concepts) are simplified and distorted[3].
The process of assimilation of the imaginary ideologies is generally carried out in the form of production ideologemes. The word "ideologeme" has been used in different ways by Bakhtin (1990) and Kristeva (1978), despite some similarities, it is not our interest here to discuss them. We understand ideologeme in a different way, with a new meaning. A ideologeme is a fragment of an ideology, is a construct (misconception) isolated, is a broader part or a simplifying synthesis of a particular ideological conception or even the reduction of ideology to a buzzword or key idea.
In other words, a ideologeme is a formal mutation of an ideology to promote simplification and reduction, transforming a piece of it on message or main element of a speech, text, message, etc. This fragment is not an ideology at all, because if so, it would have to reproduce the set of ideas that constitute it and it would be complex, which not only requires understanding of it (and this domain is rare in non-specialists), as also space and conditions for their reproduction.
In a comic book, a film, a newspaper column, a poetry, to name a few examples, it is hardly possible to reproduce an ideology without performing the process of simplification that generates the ideologeme. If even the "passive ideologues" (mere players) have difficulty to summarize in popular science works or classes ideologies without causing a strong simplification and most of the time deformation, so it is more difficult and common in the case of those working with everyday representations.
Thus, in a film it is possible to pass the elitist conception of art, reproducing a particular ideology, but as ideologeme. Understanding this process is easier with a concrete example of ideologeme demonstration in cinema, our next step.
"Kill Theory": The ideologeme which kills

The movie "Kill Theory" (Chris Moore, USA, 2009) has as its starting point a ideologeme (or a "theory", as placed in the title of the film). The importance of ideologeme in that movie makes it an excellent case to analyze the filmic reproduction ideologemes as well as for other types of fiction. Generally, ideologemes are embedded in the fictional universe and are not easily discernible, well as the values, feelings, unconscious, etc. Therefore the film "Kill Theory" assumes great importance when taking as a starting point and motivation of a psychopath an ideologeme. Obviously, it is only the conscious motivation of the psychopath, as are his psychic problems that are in the act of origin, being the ideologeme just a rationalization, in the Freudian sense, and self-justification.
Which ideologeme is exposed in the film? The movie begins with the story of the killer. He, in his conversations with the psychologist, catching a debate about what led to the arrest. He climbed a mountain with friends and, at one point, had to decide between saving his life by cutting the rope that bound him to the other, which would make them fall and die, or continue and be supportive, and probably die along with them. After performing this act and being arrested, he claims that everyone does it. Upon his release, the psychologist asks if he still believes this and the answer is no.
The scene changes radically, moving the focus to young people who went to a summer house to celebrate the fact that they finished graduation. However, soon appears the killer, which seeks to place them in the same situation he had to prove his thesis (ideologeme) that all human beings fight for survival and, following his instincts, can kill up to friends. The house is fully insulated and there was no communication and it required that they kill each other and the survivor left at 6:00 A.M., will live, but if at that time there is still more one person living, he'll kill everyone. The film's plot revolves around it, showing the escape attempts, conflicts, etc.
The ideologeme in question is a common fragment of various ideologies that point to biological determinism, but is based on the Darwinian ideology and theory of the struggle for survival and the survival of the fittest[4]. The competition and intra species struggle is naturalized and enhanced by this ideology and its vulgarization and popularization, in which certain ideologemes can be identified in phrases such as "struggle for life", "survival of the fittest", etc.
At first, the ideologeme seems to be confirmed as the group of good friends – who in the early evening were partying and the son of the owner of the house who said he loved all end up conflicting, and some seek to save themselves independently of the others until – in the end begin to enter in the killer's game and try to kill friends to escape death. But at its end, the film ends up being marked by an act of solidarity, which refutes the ideologeme. In this sense, the film is not an ideologeme because it performs a rebuttal to the ideologeme. And it shows that ideologemes, like ideologies, is a mobilizer, produces action and interferes with reality[5].
Final considerations
Capitalist society is lavish in producing illusions. Capitalism is a society of illusions. Of course, the rationalization and the alleged belief in advances in science and technology, among other things, produce an illusion of overcoming illusions. The illusion of illusions is the most problematic of illusions. Obviously, the intellectual effort, research, reflection, are important for such improvement, but not enough, if not from a perspective which has the need, value, purpose, overcoming the illusions and, especially, if the social relations that are the illusions of society base is overcome. That is why Marx said that "the requirement to overcome the illusions about its condition is the demand to overcome a condition that requires illusions" (MARX, 1968). 
We approach the two main forms of illusion in contemporary society, the imaginary and ideology, as well as the transformation of one into another. In previous work we have already placed a discussion of this issue (VIANA, 2008), but we feel the need to return to the subject to clarify some aspects that were not developed or perceived at that time, such as the existence of ideologemes, and this was the main focus of our analysis. To further clarify the meaning of the concept of ideologeme, we start from an example of a film that expressed a certain ideologeme. In the case we chose a film that expressed one ideologeme without, however, affirming it. This shows one of the possibilities of ideologemes manifestation in artistic production, because it can be the position expressed by those who produce a certain artistic work or can be presented to be refuted. The most common, however, is that the ideologemes are the views of the producers of culture and artistic works, as it is in accordance with the dominant everyday representations, the dominant ideas.
Finally, this text opens up a space for a discussion that should be deepened and that only launches an initial reflection that should have insights and developments, aimed at increasing the understanding of imagination, ideologies and ideologemes.

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* Professor, School of Social Sciences of the Federal University of Goiás and PhD in Sociology from the University of Brasilia; Goiânia/Brazil. Email:
[1] Marx, when performing the critique of ideologies, produces a complex thought about reality and this provided some names, such as "scientific socialism" (used rarely and only to counter utopian socialism), "science" (using the word in Hegelian sense and not in the usual sense and dominant, or what we use here) and "theory". In some moments Marx explains that science is an ideology. This phrase, for example, hints at the ideological character of science and the opposition between it and the theory, "as economists are the scientific representatives of the bourgeois class, the Socialists and Communists are the theoreticians of the proletarian class” (MARX, 1989, p. 118).
[2] Of course here we emphasize what Marx called "active ideologists", producers of ideologies, not the "ideologues liabilities", consumers and breeders (MARX and ENGELS, 1992), although it also applies to these when they "choose" between existing ideologies.
[3] Undoubtedly, this process also occurs with Marxism, i.e, with the theory. The appropriation of Marxism by everyday representations is a process of simplification and deformation, which is reinforced by ideological production which has interest in doing this for so refute it more easily. However, this relationship will be addressed at another time, dedicated to the treatment of theorems of production and distortion of Marxism by its simplification.
[4] About Darwinism, check Viana (2009).
[5] On another occasion we present a further analysis on mobilizing character of ideology (VIANA, 2010), which also applies to the ideologeme and through it, it becomes even more mobilizing.
Publicado originalmente em:
VIANA, Nildo. Imaginary and Ideology: Illusions in Everyday Representations and Complex Thought. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 1, No. 4, September 2015, Pub. Date: July 16, 2015.